Talk Story Tuesdays: Grazing to Reduce Blazing Part II

WATCH PART 1 TALK STORY WATCH PART II TALK STORY DOWNLOAD THE GRAZING TO REDUCE BLAZING FACTSHEET What: In this Pacific Fire Exchange talk story Q&A session, we round up the latest research, past and present for managers and landowners wanting to understand more about how our four-legged friends (goats, sheep, cows, etc.) if managed…

Talk Story Tuesdays: Informing Contemporary Wildfire Science from Historical Hawaiian Language Newspapers

Dr. Clay Trauernicht fire & ecosystems scientist with UH Mānoa Cooperative Extension and Dr. Alyssa Anderson, Postdoctoral Fellow, Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center will present wildfire in Hawai‘i in the context of Hawaiian language 19th century "nupepa" (newspaper), as well as the historical landscape changes of the 20th century.

2023 Wildland Urban Interface Conference

The International Association of Fire Chief’s Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) conference offers hands-on training and interactive sessions designed to address the challenges of wildland fire.

Webinar: Changing Climate and Wildfire in Hawaiʻi

What: In this joint webinar hosted by the Pacific Fire Exchange and the Pacific Regional Invasive Species Climate Change, we tackle the climate crisis in Hawai`i and how this affects the risk of wildfire as well as the impacts to people and the archipelago's unique resources. When: April 12, 2023 at 2:00 - 3:30 pm…

Talk Story Tuesdays: Reducing wildfire risk across boundaries – recent projects and lessons learned

Members of our community from three islands will talk about their efforts in reducing the threat of wildfire across boundaries. Robbie Justice of Forest Solution, Inc. on Hawai‘i Island, Jeremie Makepa of ‘Āina Alliance on Kaua‘i, and Erin Peyton of Paniolo Hale Firewise Committee on Moloka‘i share their lessons learned in reducing hazardous fuels and how agencies, landowners and residents can work together collectively.

Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) 10th World Conference

Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) will host its 10th World Conference in Darwin, Australia which will focus on big picture restoration issues and broad trends, as well as specific tools, techniques, research, and policies for restoration.

10th Annual Fire Ecology and Management Congress

The 10th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress will be held in Monterey, California December 4-8, 2023. This event will include workshops, field trips, and 3 full days of presentations, discussion groups, and networking opportunities around the theme, Igniting Connections: Celebrating our fire family across generations, cultures, and disciplines.

International Invasive Species and Climate Change Conference (Virtual)

The INAUGURAL International Invasive Species and Climate Change Conference (IISCCC) organized by the Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change (RISCC) Management is featuring the following topics: new arrivals and emerging invasion pathways, managing invasive species in a changing climate, practitioner success stories, lessons learned from island ecosystems.