
Near the geographic center of Kauaʻi is one of the wettest known places on earth, Mount Waiʻaleʻale. Despite this, wildfires can and do occur on the island. Steep slopes, rough terrain, difficult access, a large percentage of highly ignitable invasive grasses, and numerous threatened and endangered native species characterize the Kauaʻi landscape. 

Ignitions occur regularly in the inhabited areas of the island, mostly near the coasts, where the landscape is dominated by current and former agricultural lands as well as grass and brush.

Fires > 50 Acres 1999-2018, Kaua`i (Credit: UH Wildland Fire)

Kauaʻi is among the oldest high Hawaiian Islands and has been shaped by significant erosion, creating its dramatic landscape of valleys. Some of the steepest and least accessible areas include the North Shore to the West side, which also correspond strongly with the highest concentration of threatened and endangered species. This creates a challenging environment for reaching and containing fires when they occur, and presents a risk to the resident endangered species. >> READ MORE


After fires burn through an area of native vegetation in Hawaiʻi, the rebounding vegetation is generally dominated by fast growing non-native grasses and shrubs. Not only does this negatively impact biodiversity, but this can also contribute to erosion and the risk of landslides especially on the steep slopes of Kauaʻi. 


The biggest large fires have historically occurred on the lee slope of the eastern flank of Waimea valley. This presents a concerning fire risk for the drought-prone community of Kekaha. 

Kauaʻi is known for its high rainfall, but annual rainfall is not always a good indicator for risk. Particularly wet periods over a rainy season can, counterintuitively, significantly elevate hazard levels. Increased precipitation may lead to a surplus of vegetation growth, becoming potential fuel during subsequent drier periods, thereby elevating the risk of large wildfires. Given the changing wind and rainfall patterns arising from climate change, this may lead to increased risk for Kauaʻi.

Kauai Ignitions and Acres Burned (2012-2020)

Plans & Images

Pu`u Kapele, Kaua`i, Feb 2014 Sida Fallax Regeneration After Fire (Credit: JB Friday)

Recent Resources For Hawai‘i

Changing Climate and Fire: a Crisis Brewing in the Pacific

April 13, 2021

As the climate crisis rages on, wildfires will become ever more frequent, more intense, and more wide-spreading in Hawai’i and across the Pacific. This fact sheet summarizes the latest climate research as it relates to wildfire and what you can do about it. >> READ MORE Download The 2-Page Fact Sheet

Wildfire Review Series: Abandoned Agriculture in 2019 is Hawai‘i’s Fire Problem

January 26, 2021

This review of Hawai‘i’s wildfires in 2019 aims to provide a sense of context for large fires across the state, particularly the abandonment of agriculture that same year.

Story Map: Wildfire in the Pacific

November 21, 2020

Brought to you by USDA Forest Service’s Pacific Island Forestry, this story map presents the full picture of wildfire in western Pacific islands. CHECK OUT THE STORY MAP