When re-vegetating, reduce the spread of invasive species.

1. Prevent the spread of Little Fire Ant (LFA) , coqui frogs, Coconut Rhinoceros Beetles (CRB), and others by:

- Ensuring that any contract work requires equipment cleaning and materials inspection prior to work and site inspections to assess compliance efficacy prior to job completion/payment.

- Ask if the contractor or vendor follows BMPs for invasive species, and ask for a copy to review.

- Ask about a contractor or vendor’s previous job location/s and the known invasive species in that area. Coqui, Little Fire Ants, Coconut Rhinoceros Beetles, and weeds have all been moved to new locations on heavy equipment and materials from infested job sites.

- When purchasing or selecting materials, source plants, planting materials, and similar supplies from uninfested areas and/or from vendors that implement pest BMPs, or ones that are working under official pest mitigation compliance agreements.

- Quarantine and survey all new plants and materials for pests before outplanting, e.g. listen at night for coqui, look for CRB and damage HERE, and test all new plants for LFA by clicking HERE.

little fire ants

2. Prevent the spread of Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle from palms, mulch, compost, etc. coming from O`ahu or Kaua`i by:

- Being aware that CRB lay their eggs and their grubs (larvae) develop in compost, mulch, greenwaste, manure, etc.). Specify in your contract or purchase agreement that the materials receive proper treatment (e.g., chipping, grinding, heat treatment, or fumigation), and also specify that the vendor/shipper must comply with all applicable laws and rules when moving these items.

- Inspecting upon receiving and while working with these materials and installation sites. Conduct regular searches/inspections (at least every 4 months) of the material for any signs of CRB grubs or pupa (in mulch, greenwaste, and soil mixes/growing media, or damage to the leaves or crowns of coconut trees or any type of palm, banana, and hala.

- If working with tree trimmers, landscapers, or similar, consider asking that all personnel be trained on what to watch for and how to report it. Adult CRB bore golfball-sized holes in coconut and other palms and the leaves may show signs of beetle damage. CRB can also bore into banana plants, hala trees, and many other trees. Text or call (808) 679-5244 or [email protected]. Click HERE for more information.