Wildfire’s Impacts to Rare and Endangered Hawaiian Plants
Repeated fires put rare, threatened and endangered plants at extreme risk.
As wildfire, drought and invasive species increasingly impact native ecosystems, plants and animals, our remaining natural and cultural Hawaiian heritage is more threatened than ever.

*Wildfire/rare plant incident sources are unpublished data by Matthew Kier, Hawai‘i Department of Land & Natural Resources division of Forestry and Wildlife and Dr. Clay Trauernicht University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management.
*Parcels with greatest number of wildfire incidents (1999 - 2021): Wai‘anae Kai Firing Range, O‘ahu = 5, Ma‘alaea, Maui = 5, Mākua Military Range, O‘ahu = 4, Pu‘uwa‘awa‘a, Hawai‘i Island = 3, Pōhakuloa Training Area= 3, Nanakuli, O‘ahu = 2, Nohonaohae, Hawai‘i Island = 2, Olowalu, Maui = 2