What: In this Pacific Fire Exchange talk story Q&A session, we round up the latest research, past and present for managers and landowners wanting to understand more about how our four-legged friends (goats, sheep, cows, etc.) if managed properly can help reduce blazing and wildland fire.
When: February 21, 2023 at 11:00 am - 12:00 pm HST
Who: This month's science share out and conversation will be with Raia Olsen of O‘ahu Grazers and Dan Macon, County Director, Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor at the University of California Agriculture & Natural Resources. They will present the how-tos on hiring island professional grazers as well as the continental perspective on contract grazing.
Research & Papers on Grazing to Reduce Blazing
Prescribed Herbivory For Vegetation Treatment Projects (Range Management Advisory Committee CAL FIRE, 2015)