For long-term wildfire risk mitigation planning, supporting agriculture and reducing fuels around your home and community are key.
Stabilizing soil to prevent wind and water erosion is the most important environmental consideration in addition to remediating existing hazardous materials after fires. However, the role that farms and ranches play in land care is critical across fire prone landscapes. Ranches and farms keep fire-prone weeds at bay to maintain pastures and crops.

The Role of Rangeland Management
For example, if cattle pastures during the August 2023 Kula fires on Maui had been abandoned, natural resource managers tell us they would have become dominated by multistoried seeding grasses, as well as invasive Lion's ear (Leonotis nepetifolia), gorse (Ulex europeaus) and various fire-prone wattle and eucalyptus trees. Increased wildfire fuels (grasses, shrubs and trees) on unmanaged landscapes dramatically increases fire intensity. Burning koa haole trees (Leucaena leucocephala) can throw embers and create spot fires, especially during high wind events. Learn how to protect your home and community by visiting the Hawai`i Wildfire Management Organization >>READ MORE.
Learn About Reducing Vegetation Fuels