Webinar: Fire & Ohia–What this disturbance means for Hawaii’s dominant tree

Mark Wasser presents on how ohia trees are affected by fire, how they will fare under changing environmental conditions, and management implications. WATCH THE WEBINAR

October 2016 Newsletter

Is the Pacific Fire Exchange making a difference? Partner Perspectives with Chelsea Arnott and Amy Tsuneyoshi, Field Trips, Fuels and Wildfire Behavior Training, Wildfire Ignition Density Maps, News and More!

Partner Perspective: Amy Tsuneyoshi, Watershed Resource Specialist at Honolulu Board of Water Supply

In “Partner Perspectives” we get to know the diverse people, roles, and views of wildfire management in the Pacific. Amy Tsuneyoshi kindly spent some time with us her experience in protecting watershed…

Partner Perspective: Chelsea Arnott at University of Hawaii and Ko’olau Mountains Watershed Partnership

In “Partner Perspectives” we get to know the diverse people, roles, and views of wildfire management in the Pacific. Chelsea Arnott kindly spent some time with us sharing her experience in protecting…

Fuels & Wildfire Behavior – A Training Module

This PFX Training Module is a self-paced mini-course that will help you understand how fuel type, characteristics, arrangement, and environment affects fire risk and fire behavior. You will also learn to identify hazardous fuels types and arrangements on a landscape.

Fuels & Wildfire Behavior – A Training Module

This PFX Training Module is a self-paced mini-course that will help you understand how fuel type, characteristics, arrangement, and environment affects fire risk and fire behavior. You will also learn to identify hazardous fuels types and arrangements on a landscape.

Hawai‘i’s Big Burn: The 1901 Hamakua Fire

Fire shaped the history of forest management in Hawaii in much the same way it did in the continental US.

Partner Perspective: Jack Minassian, Assistant Professor of Fire Science Instruction at Hawaii Community College

In “Partner Perspectives” we get to know the diverse people, roles, and views of wildfire management in the Pacific. Jack Minassian kindly spent some time with us discussing his experience in creating…

Partner Perspective: David Smith, Administrator at Division of Forestry and Wildlife, HI Dept. of Land & Natural Resources

In “Partner Perspectives” we get to know the diverse people, roles, and views of wildfire management in the Pacific. Name: David G. Smith Role: Administrator Organization: Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW),…

May 2016 PFX Activities Update & Newsletter

Read the latest in PFX activities!



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