For Large Landowners: Your Wildfire Resources Before & After Fire

This is a directory of many critical and requested wildfire resources for landowners.

When re-vegetating, reduce the spread of invasive species.

When re-planting, limit the spread of invasive pests by following these guidelines.

After fire, first things first.

In the aftermath of evacuation and recovery, communities and responders are often dealing with hazardous environmental conditions which call for vigillant public safety and environmental stabilization.

For long-term wildfire risk mitigation planning, supporting agriculture and reducing fuels around your home and community are key.

The role that farms and ranches play in land care is critical across fire prone landscapes. Ranches and farms keep fire-prone weeds at bay to maintain pastures and crops.

What is your emergency soil stabilization plan? This can be done in various high-tech and low-tech ways.

After human health and safety, the first priority is to protect the soils from rain and run-off.

Consider re-vegetating burned areas in a way that makes sense for your environment while knowing that resources (time, money, long-term stewardship) may vary.

Re-planting is an important, long-term strategy for soil stabilization. While native Hawaiian plants are always desirable, they require a great deal of care, such as water, fencing and weeding.

Talk Story Tuesdays: Reducing wildfire risk across boundaries – recent projects and lessons learned

Members of our community from three islands will talk about their efforts in reducing the threat of wildfire across boundaries. Robbie Justice of Forest Solutions, Inc. on Hawai‘i Island, Jeremie Makepa of ‘Āina Alliance on Kaua‘i, and Erin Peyton of Paniolo Hale Firewise Committee on Moloka‘i share their lessons learned in reducing hazardous fuels and how agencies, landowners and residents can work together collectively.

Identifying & Controlling Fire Prone Invasive Grasses in Hawai‘i

Some introduced grasses in Hawai`i are especially fire prone and present challenges to land owners, land stewards and those concerned with the spread of wildfire. This ID guide is a quick reference to identify and control fire-adapted grasses.

After Fire Presentation: Understanding Immediate Priority Actions After a Significant Wildfire to Ensure Recovery

After fire, there are immediate actions you can take to ensure a recovery for the people first of all, soil and water conservation

Slide Presentation: Land Stewardship Is Being Wildfire Prepared

A slide presentation on what we can all do to prevent and prepare for wildfires.



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