Slide Presentation: Land Stewardship Is Being Wildfire Prepared

A slide presentation on what we can all do to prevent and prepare for wildfires.

Slide Presentation: Overview of Wildfire in Hawai`i

A slide presentation overview on wildfire causes, conditions and threats in Hawai`i.

September 2023 Resources Roundup

Since the devastating fires last month, we have been working around the clock to provide critical information to those in need including this critical listing of many requested wildfire resources

Wildfire’s Impacts to Rare and Endangered Hawaiian Plants

As wildfire, drought and invasive species increasingly impact native ecosystems, plants and animals, our remaining natural and cultural Hawaiian heritage is more threatened than ever.

June Resources Roundup

It’s June already, and it’s getting warm out there! As such, our annual statewide wildfire awareness & preparedness campaign, Wildfire & Drought LOOKOUT is well underway, as well as some **terrific** community evacuation preparation work by Waikōloa and our public responders. Check out some of the news concerning several fire in Hawai‘i, and the latest about Guam’s typhoon. There’s also some interesting news from the mainland about smoke, water quality after fire, and lawsuits shaping how responders fight fires.

May Resources Roundup

This month’s roundup includes a **stellar** joint PFX and Pacific Regional Invasive Species Climate Change webinar Changing Climate and Wildfire in Hawai‘i, some super news about $400,000 in wildfire prevention planning for Hawai‘i communities, new tools and tips for creating consistent messaging about fire, and the latest wildfire news and research.

April 2023 Resources Roundup

This month’s roundup includes a **stellar** joint PFX and Pacific Regional Invasive Species Climate Change webinar Changing Climate and Wildfire in Hawai‘i, some super news about $400,000 in wildfire prevention planning for Hawai‘i communities, new tools and tips for creating consistent messaging about fire, and the latest wildfire news and research.

Webinar: Changing Climate and Wildfire in Hawaiʻi

In this joint webinar hosted by the Pacific Fire Exchange and the Pacific Regional Invasive Species Climate Change, we tackle the climate crisis in Hawai`i and how this affects the risk of wildfire as well as the impacts to people and the archipelago’s unique resources.

March 2023 Resources Roundup

This month, Melissa Chimera interviews Darwin Okinaka, Assistant Chief of Operations Hawai`i Fire Dept. in our Partner Perspective series. And if you missed the PFX Talk Story Tuesday “Informing Contemporary Wildfire Science from Historical Hawaiian Language Newspapers” with Dr. Clay Trauernicht and Dr. Alyssa Anderson’s we have it below. We also have many communities throughout Hawai`i doing *amazing* wildfire prevention and education, and as always, the latest news, meetings and all things wildfire.

Talk Story Tuesdays: Informing Contemporary Wildfire Science from Historical Hawaiian Language Newspapers

In this Pacific Fire Exchange talk story Q&A session, we speak with Dr. Clay Trauernicht and Dr. Alyssa Anderson, University of Hawai`i at Mānoa about wildfire in Hawai`i in the context of Hawaiian language newspapers as well as the historical landscape changes of the 20th century.



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