Coastal Plants for Creating Green Breaks

Summary results of 30 plants recommended by experts for planting in Hawai`i from sea level to 2,000 ft elevation (2023 survey results)

Survey Results: Species List of 30 Coastal Plants for Creating Green Breaks

Species list of 30 plants recommended by experts for planting in Hawai`i from sea level to 2,000 ft elevation (2023 survey results)

How People, Rainfall and Vegetation Shape Tropical Island Fire Regimes Across Micronesia (Journal of Biogeography, 2023)

Authors Clay Trauernicht et al provide the first regional analysis of contemporary wildfire drivers of Pacific Island fire regimes.

Colonization (18 C. to present) Radically Transforms the Landscape to Include Fire

Since the arrival of European and American settlers in the late 18th century, the cultural and economic landscape of Hawaiʻi has undergone rapid and profound transformations.

When re-vegetating, reduce the spread of invasive species.

When re-planting, limit the spread of invasive pests by following these guidelines.

Consider re-vegetating burned areas in a way that makes sense for your environment while knowing that resources (time, money, long-term stewardship) may vary.

Re-planting is an important, long-term strategy for soil stabilization. While native Hawaiian plants are always desirable, they require a great deal of care, such as water, fencing and weeding.

Wildfire’s Impacts to Rare and Endangered Hawaiian Plants

As wildfire, drought and invasive species increasingly impact native ecosystems, plants and animals, our remaining natural and cultural Hawaiian heritage is more threatened than ever.

Webinar: Changing Climate and Wildfire in Hawaiʻi

In this joint webinar hosted by the Pacific Fire Exchange and the Pacific Regional Invasive Species Climate Change, we tackle the climate crisis in Hawai`i and how this affects the risk of wildfire as well as the impacts to people and the archipelago’s unique resources.

Webinar: Debunking Wildfire Myths

What: Are Hawai’i forests adapted to fire, like the Western mainland? What part of the United States has the highest % of land burnt in wildfires? (Hint- it’s not always California!) Do…

VIDEO: Wildfire Learning Exchange Field Tour (Dec 2022)

On December 13 -15, 2022 the Hawaiʻi Wildfire Management Organization and wildland fire managers from the western U.S. and Hawaiʻi’s county, state, and federal fire agencies met on Hawai‘i Island. Hawai‘i representatives were able to bring mainland partners up to speed on Hawai‘i’s fire ecology, our mitigation challenges, our collaborative programs to educate and mitigate, and our post-fire stabilization needs and recovery goals via a field tour of one of Hawai‘i’s largest fires in recent history.



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