The Pacific Fire Exchange is the connector for wildfire research and knowledge to help all of us deal with wildfire across many diverse and changing island archipelagos in the Pacific.
More and more, our islands' peoples are facing the threat of wildfire and its aftermath in our nearshore waters, in the air we breathe, near our homes, communities, and in the wilderness.
These impacts coupled with the effects of the climate crisis, drought, native species loss and significant economic and cultural shifts require sound science delivered in meaningful ways to understand and deal with our changing wildfire landscape. In our efforts to connect across cultures, languages and communities, we strive to provide this knowledge to small and large landowners alike, farmers, public land owners and agencies, emergency responders, policy makers, leaders and all those affected by wildfire.
Meet the Pacific Fire Exchange program staff and our Steering Committee members!
Meet our PFX partners, friends, colleagues!

Assistant Chief of Operations Darwin Okinaka started out as a responder for Hawai‘i County Fire Department and is now a community liason with landowners and partners after the 2021 Mana Road fire, one of Hawai‘i's largest in history.

Po`okela Hansen, Honolulu Fire Department and Protect Kaho`olawe `Ohana member visited Kaho‘olawe after one-third of the island burned. We learn what it’s like to be both a native Hawaiian and an active firefighter, his concerns about covid and why drones can save lives.

Paul Higashino, Natural Resource Specialist for Kaho`olawe Island Reserve Commission has worked on Kaho`olawe for decades under the harshest ecological conditions. What’s it like trying to restore a former bombing range?

Get to know Shayna Decker, Maui Electric and her outlook on wildfire from a utility company perspective.

Get to know Willie Rice, a forester, GIS professional, and PFX Steering Committee Member. Willie found his way to fire management through GIS, and we’re glad he’s decided to stay involved!

Get to know JB Friday, Extension Forester at University of Hawaii, and learn about his early experiences with fire and his appreciation for native plants.

Get to know Mike Walker, Fire Protection Forester for HI Division of Forestry and Wildlife, including his experience with fire in Florida and enjoying the outdoors.

Get to know Andy Kikuta, now-retired Fire Management Specialist for US Fish and Wildlife Service. His career has included roles in habitat restoration and on helitack fire crews.

Get to know Carolyn Stewart, Board Member of Hawaii Wildfire and Steering Committee member for Pacific Fire Exchange. Read her Partner Perspective connecting wildfire to the health of watersheds and marine resources.

Get to know Chief Eric Moller and learn about his lifelong interest in firefighting, as well as his take on collaboration and planned wildland fires.

Get to know Creighton Litton and learn about his wildfire-related research and passion for canoe paddling.

Get to know Pablo A. Beimler and learn about his work to raise wildfire awareness and foster community preparedness and prevention.

Get to know Orlando Smith and learn about his work to make useful maps for Hawaii Wildfire Management Organization.

Get to know Rhonda Loh and learn about her fire management-related efforts as the Natural Resources Manager for Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

Get to know Chelsea Arnott and learn about her experience in protecting watershed forests, including post-fire management.

Get to know Amy Tsuneyoshi and learn about her experience in protecting watershed forests, including post-fire management.

Get to know David G. Smith and learn about his work as a land manager and ideas on pre- and post-fire management.

Get to know Jack Minassian and learn about his experience as a fire responder and fire science instructor.